This is my second collaboration with BACH Book Art Center. Happy to announce that the coming limited-edition pocket calendar 2023 is ready!


This year I join with my illustration that is inspired from the French Poem “Liberté” by Paul Eluard (1942). Here is the first stanza in French, English, and German:


Sur mes cahiers d’écolier

Sur mon pupitre et les arbres

Sur le sable sur la neige

J’écris ton nom.



On my notebooks

On my desk and the trees

On the sand on the snow

I write your name.



Auf meine Schulhefte 

Auf mein Pult und die Bäume 

Auf den Sand auf den Schnee 

Schreib ich deinen Namen


Thema 2023:


During the Corona pandemic, there was often talk of the loss of personal freedom. The Ukraine war shows us European neighbors what a fragile commodity the right to self-determination is. Freedom has as many facets as there are people. This calendar tells about some of these freedoms. From non-violent disobedience of environmental activists in the USA, from clandestine techno parties in the Iranian desert, from pirate radio stations, Lennon Walls and the umbrella movement, from voluntary being on the road and places of retreat like nature or water. Of the freedom of thought in song and the liberating effect of singing. Also of the liberating feeling of having completed a task. 


The illustrations in the 2023 calendar were realized in different techniques such as collage, woodcut, drawing, photography or watercolor by:


Luzia Werner, Nadine Respondek, Monika Jäger, Katja Zwirnmann, Manuela Büchting, Anett Hoffmann, Petra Reichenbach, Charlotte Ehrt, Nora Mona Bach, Annekathrin Pohle, İlkay Unay-Gailhard, Franziska Stübgen and Barbara Dimanski.


+ Information on b.a.c.H Book Art Center Halle, Calendar 2023:


To order the limited edition (50) illustration of “Liberté” please contact with me.